Friday, September 7, 2007


colorweek :: red
Originally uploaded by house on hill road
Do you ever feel like you are waiting. WAITING for tomorrow, waiting for the next thing...just waiting. I always feel like I am waiting. I think it is the part of me that likes to be PREPARED so I am not sure it is all that bad. I know they say that too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen! I don't think that is the case for least I hope not. I am excited about today and waiting for where God brings us tomorrow!


Jennifer Dougan said...

Hi, I like the bright red shoes! Thanks for stopping by my site and talking. It suddenly makes you feel not so far away.

So, what things are you waiting for?

everyday beautiful said...

I guess...a house, a different city, kids, whatever different jobs that we will have. I am not discouraged about them...excited!

Keldog said...

jody! luke! hey there! so glad that i got to hear from you & i've found your blog. my email address is:

no worries about support! i love you guys! & i thank you for ALL your support, whatever that looks like! i pray that God will bless you for all you do!

by the way, i'm so happy for you guys! congrats w/ the 1 year!!

it's an understatement when i say i miss ya! it's true. so happy to hear from you. hope all is well & i know that God has begun an AMAZING work in you & WILL BE FAITHFUL to complete it! i heart you guys!