Thursday, January 3, 2008


IT'S A GIRL!!!, originally uploaded by jodyrow.

We had our ultrasound right after Christmas. It was so exciting to see the baby moving around. She was very active, and we thought she has the cutest shaped head. The tech and the dr said everything looked normal. She has 2 lesgs and 2 arms, and 4 heart chambers...whew!


cass life said...

Can't wait to be a auntie! ha. love you guys! have a great weekend! c and a

Muddy Toes said...

So cute! I agree - totally cute head! So - you've inspired Rachel to pick up teensy little shoes wherever we are shopping to hint at me that they would be super cute on her new cousin :o) Hmmm...wonder where she picked up the shoe thing? :o)

erin said...

How exciting! Congrats!