Thursday, January 18, 2007

wacky aussie cooks

Reciently Luke and I have discovered the wide world of podcasts. Are they for real? I can't believe...its FREE! I feel like I should be getting a bill in the mail any day now. How amazing is it that you can listen to the BBC news, or the latest sermon from a church in western Texas, or Rochester MN. We started our podcast journey by enjoying a few sermons that would download weekly...then we discovered that you could listen to your devos on the way to work, you could learn better grammer, or you could listen to the highlights of the Wall Street Journal. We don't have a TV so we started to get some news programs so we could stay updated. First we listened...but now the nightly news just pops right into the computer...and we can WATCH it when we want....amazing. And yes...still free. You can learn to speak Chinese, or do yoga. Totally FREE! There are podcasts that will motivate you to clean the house or stay on a diet. Our new favorite is a cooking podcast called "Crash Test Kitchen." It's a poor quality home video of this austraulian couple who don't have any idea how to cook. Nor do they have any of the right equipment( they reciently shattered a glass bowl while trying to saute onions in it over their gas burner). But they dive right in and learn as they go. They are totally wacky and fight about what they are cooking in their 10 min cast. There are many other cooking podcasts out there, but this one has been very successful, even making it into TIME magazine. Check it out...Its Free!!

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